1. What is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Earth
  2. Which of the following is a moon of Saturn? a) Europa b) Ganymede c) Titan d) Callisto
  3. What is the name of the nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way? a) Andromeda b) Sombrero c) Pinwheel d) Whirlpool
  4. Which planet has the most known moons? a) Jupiter b) Mars c) Venus d) Mercury
  5. What is the process by which stars convert hydrogen into helium? a) Fusion b) Fission c) Convection d) Radiation
  6. What is the phenomenon where a star explodes and releases a tremendous amount of energy? a) Black hole b) Quasar c) Supernova d) Neutron star
  7. What is the name of the largest known dwarf planet in our solar system? a) Pluto b) Eris c) Ceres d) Haumea
  8. Which planet is known for its prominent ring system? a) Mars b) Saturn c) Neptune d) Uranus
  9. What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space? a) Hubble b) Voyager c) Sputnik d) Apollo
  10. What is the closest star to our solar system? a) Alpha Centauri b) Proxima Centauri c) Sirius d) Betelgeuse


  1. b) Jupiter
  2. c) Titan
  3. a) Andromeda
  4. a) Jupiter
  5. a) Fusion
  6. c) Supernova
  7. b) Eris
  8. b) Saturn
  9. c) Sputnik
  10. b) Proxima Centauri


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