1. Wave deposition in shallow waters across the mouth of a bay forms a?
A. bar.
B. tombolo.
C. spit.
D. mudflat
2. Which of the following economic activities is mainly carried out on Mt . Longonot ?
A. crop cultivation
B. wildlife conservation
C. livestock rearing
D. forest conservation
3. The upper course of river Pangani is mainly characterised by
A. interlocking spurs and meanders
B. steep gradient and lateral erosion
C. fast flow of water and waterfalls
D. braided channels and flood plains
4. The major cause of landslides on the highlands of southern Tanzania is
A. heavy rainfall
B. forest destruction
C. steep slopes
D. crop cultivation
5. Soil erosion in the grazing lands of central Uganda is mainly controlled by
A. planting cover crops
B. agro forestry
C. mixed farming
D. slope terracing
6. The flood plain of river Manafwa is important for rice growing mainly because of
A. fertile alluvial soils
B. gently sloping relief
C. abundant water supply
D. large expanse of land
7. The process of formation of deltas in East Africa is mainly influenced by the
A. weight of river sediments
B. tidal currents movement
C. increase in river velocity
D. flow of prevailing winds
8. Which of the following areas in East Africa experiences tropical monsoon? type of climate?
A. Moyale
B. Morogoro
C. Mombasa
D. Mwanza
9. The sparsely populated areas of western Uganda have mainly been developed by carrying out
A. wildlife conservation
B. livestock ranching
C. petroleum mining
D. irrigation farming
10. The major problem facing tea out growers in western Uganda is
A. loss of soil fertility
B. price fluctuations
C. inadequate labour
D. pests and diseases
11. The high population density of south western Uganda is mainly due to the
A. high fertility of soils
B. heavy rainfall
C. moderate temperatures
D. abundant land
12. The major problem faced by wheat growers on the slopes of Mt Elgon is
A. shortage of land
B. inadequate market
C. fluctuating prices
D. poor road networks
13. Which of the following crops is mainly grown on the delta of river Rufiji ?
A. rice
B. sugarcane
C. cotton
D. cashew nuts
14. The Kenya highlands is agriculturally productive mainly because of
A. well developed transport
B. abundant vacant land
C. the large market potential
D. adequate skilled labour
15. The cash crops which are mainly grown in West Nile region of Uganda are?
A. cotton and cocoa
B. pyrethrum and tea
C. tobacco and coffee
D. wheat and barley
16. Dairy farming in western Uganda has mainly been improved by?
A. extending loans to farmers
B. modern veterinary services
C. improved breeds of cattle
D. provision of ready markets
17. The major environmental problem caused by limestone quarrying Kasese is
A. loss of natural vegetation
B. flooding of rivers
C. widespread landslides
D. wildlife destruction
18. Commercial exploitation of iron ore in south western Uganda is mainly limited by
A. small size of deposits
B. shortage of market
C. low grade of minerals
D. inadequate power
19. The major benefit of fish farming to the people of East Africa is
A. provision of employment
B. economic diversification
C. source of protein diet
D. promotion of industries
20. Which of the following is the dominant land use in the montane forests of East Africa?
A. lumbering
B. agro forestry
C. bee keeping
D. wild life conservation
21. The major problem which is faced by pyrethrum growers in East Africa is
A. pests and diseases
B. skilled labour supply
C. decline in soil fertility
D. shortage of market
22. Which of the following minerals in East Africa is mainly extracted by the placer mining method?
A. gold
B. diamonds
C. phosphates
D. limestone
23.The major factor which has influenced the location of Soroti fruit factory is
A. cheap raw materials
B. abundant market
C. adequate capital
D. government policy
24. The fish species in East Africa which is mainly used in the manufacture of livestock feeds is?
A. cat fish
B. lung fish
C. silver fish
D. shell fish
25. Which of the following towns in East Africa mainly developed due to mining activity?
A. Kilembe and Tororo
B. Mbeya and Kasese
C. Mwadui and Songea
D. Magadi and Tanga
26. The destruction of papyrus swamps in eastern Uganda is mainly caused by
A. rice growing
B. grazing of livestock
C. brick making
D. local crafts industry
27. The major problem which is limiting import trade in East Africa is?
A. high costs of transport
B. imposition of trade tariffs
C. competition with smugglers
D. duplication of trade goods
28. Which of the following wild animals has been relocated from Kidepo to Lake Mburo national park?
A. lions
B. zebras
C. hippos
D. giraffes
29. Which of the following minerals is mainly mined from north eastern Uganda?
A. tungsten
B. limestone
C. phosphates
D. vermiculite
30. The major benefit of eco tourism to the development of East Africa is the
A. conservation of nature
B. generation of revenues
C. development of infrastructures
D. provision of employment
30 Geography Objective Questions