Brief description of the concept of Natural Selection.

The concept of natural selection is a fundamental principle in evolutionary biology, proposed by Charles Darwin in his seminal work, “On the Origin of Species.” Natural selection is the process by which certain heritable traits become more common in a population over time due to their advantageous effects on survival and reproduction in a particular […]

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How to practice agriculture in Arid areas or Dry areas.

Practicing agriculture in arid or semi-arid areas, where water resources are limited, can be challenging. However, it is possible to implement sustainable farming practices that maximize water efficiency and productivity. Here are some strategies for agriculture in arid regions: Practicing agriculture in arid areas requires a combination of resilient crop choices, efficient water management, and […]

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Agriculture discussion questions from different topics.

General Agriculture Topics: Crop Farming: Livestock Farming: Soil and Land Management: Pest and Disease Management: Water Management: Global Trade and Food Security: Innovation and Technology: Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Social and Ethical Considerations: These discussion questions cover a wide range of topics in agriculture, addressing environmental, economic, social, and ethical aspects of the field. They […]

Agriculture Revision Objectives

Why do tropical cattle have a large dew lap? A. To absorb excess heat from animal’s body. B. To increase surface area for heat loss. C. To fan the animal as it moves from one place to another. D. To release heat when the animal sweats. Which one of the following is the reason for […]


(a). Explain the causes of fish mortality in a fish pond. 06mks (b). Describe the maintenance practices carried out on a fish pond. 08mks (c). Describe the procedure for harvesting fish from the pond using fishnets. 06mks (a). Differentiate between stocking rate and carrying capacity of a pasture. 04mks (b). Explain the factors that influence […]


(a). Describe the characteristics of a good seedbed. 07½mks (b). Explain the factors that influence the number of cultivations to be carried out during seedbed preparation. 07½mks (c). Outline the importance of seedbed preparation. 05mks (a). Describe the factors that may lead to spoilage of crop products. 06mks (b). Outline the common problems associated with […]


1.(a) Describe the decision making process 05½mks (b). Describe the importance of farm planning. 07mks (c). What are the problems faced by farmers when planning farm activities? 07½mks 2 (a). Describe the role played by co-operative organisations. 10mks (b). What are the problems that have limited operation of co-operatives? 10mks


(a). Explain the causes of fish motality in a fish pond. 06mks (b). Describe the maintenance practices carried out on a fish pond. 08mks (c). Describe the procedure for harvesting fish from the pond using fishnets. 06mks (a). Differentiate between stocking rate and carrying capacity of a pasture. 04mks (b). Explain the factors that influence […]


(a). Outline the qualities of a good foundation for a farm building. (05mks) (b). Describe the procedure for construction of foundation of farm building. (06mks) (c). Explain the factors that influence the choice of building materials to use. (09mks) 2 (a). Explain the factors that influence the choice of irrigation system to use. (09mks) (b). […]



Mechanization employs it powerful abilities to most of the productive activities in the field of agriculture through use of machines to aid man in achieving his agricultural dreams. There are so many machines that are used in the agriculture. Mention any machine you know that is used in Agriculture.