How to Boost student performance in schools.

Boosting student performance in schools often requires a combination of supportive environments, effective teaching strategies, and motivational tactics. Here are some motivational tactics to consider: By implementing these motivational tactics, educators can create an environment that inspires students to reach their full potential, take ownership of their learning, and excel academically.

High School and Middle school debating topics that cover a range of subjects.

Should schools teach financial literacy as part of the curriculum?
Is the use of technology in classrooms more helpful or harmful to students?
Should schools have mandatory drug testing for students?
Is the grading system an effective way to assess students’ abilities?
Should schools eliminate or reduce standardized testing?
Is homeschooling a better alternative to traditional schooling?
Should physical education be mandatory for all school levels?

What are High school Debates and their role?

School debates are structured discussions where participants present and defend their opinions on a given topic. These debates often follow a specific format, with teams or individuals presenting arguments, counterarguments, and rebuttals. School debates are commonly organized as part of co-curricular activities, debate clubs, or academic competitions. Here are some advantages of engaging in school […]


Choosing the “best” school hinges on individual priorities, aspirations, and preferences. Key considerations include academic reputation, available programs, faculty expertise, campus resources, location, campus life, financial factors, alumni success, accreditation, diversity, global opportunities, and post-graduation support. Personal and academic alignment is crucial.