1.(a). Give any five (5) characteristics of whole sale trade . (10mks)
   (b) Explain any five conditions under which a wholesaler may be eliminated from the Chain of distribution. (10mks)

2. (a) What is ware housing? (2mks)
(b) State any four characteristics of a good ware house. (8mks)
(c) Explain five advantages of a bonded warehouse to the importer. (10mks)

3. (a) Give any four advantages of using mobile phones as a medium of communication. (8mks)
(b) Explain six factors influencing the choice of communication medium.

4. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) Drawer (2mks)
(ii) Drawee (2mks)
(iii) Payee (2mks)
(b) State any seven circumstances under which a cheque may be referred
to a drawer. (14mks)

5. (a) Give any four reasons for the continued existence of small firms
alongside large scale firms. (8mks)
(b) Explain six factors that influence the location of an industry. (12mks)

6. (a) State five features of a public limited company. (10mks)
(b) Explain any five contents of a memorandum of Association. (10mks)

7. (a) Explain five functions of the Bank of Uganda. (10mks)
     (b) Describe five methods used by Bank of Uganda to control commercial banks. (10mks)
8. The following information was extracted from the books of accounts of a

given trader.
– Capital shs. 500,000
– Total cost of sales shs. 480,000
– Average mark up 20%
– Expenses shs. 40,000

Calculate the trader’s,
(i) Turnover (4mks)
(ii) Gross profit (4mks)
(iii) Net profit (4mks)
(iv) Margin (4mks)
(v) Return on capital (4mks)

9 a) Distinguish between tertiary production and secondary production. (4mks)
b) Give two examples of secondary production (2mks)

10 a) Define the term production (2mks)

    b) Give and explain the methods of production (4mks)

11 a) Explain the term location (2mks)
b) What factors should be considered when locating an industry? (8mks)

12a) Give all the agents of production and their rewards (6mks)
b) Explain the functions of an entrepreneur. (4mks)

13a) Define the term localisation (2mks)
b) Explain the merits and demerits of localisation. (8mks)

14 a) Explain the elements of transport (08marks)

b) Describe factors that influence choice of a transport mode (12marks)

15. a) Define the following terms as used in insurance

(i) Re- insurance (02marks)

(ii) Surrender value (02marks)

(iii) Pooling of risks (02marks)

(iv) Annuity (02marks)

b) Explain any four basic principles of insurance (08marks)

c) Outline four factors that may make it necessary for an insurance company to re- insure (04marks)

16. a) Distinguish between sales promotion and market research (04marks)

b) Give 6 reasons why manufacturers carry out Market research (12marks)

c) Outline four factors that may limit manufacturers from carrying out Market research (04marks)

17. a) Differentiate between a saving and credit cooperative society (SACCO) and a consumer cooperative society (04marks)

b) Give and explain 5 rules that streamline the operation of savings and credit cooperative society (10marks)

C) Under what circumstances may a cooperative society be dissolved? (04marks)

18. a) Define the term distribution (02marks)

b) Define any four factors that influence the distribution of goods and services (08marks)

c) Explain 5 differences between a super market and departmental stores (10marks)

19. a) Distinguish between Money order and Telegraphic money transfer (04marks)

b) Explain four factors that influence a choice of a medium of communication (08marks)

c) State four barriers of effective communication (04marks)

20. a) Distinguish between Branding and Packaging (04marks)

b) Give four

(i) Advantages of branding (08marks)

(ii) Disadvantages of packaging (08marks)

21. a) Write brief notes on the following

(i) Goods available for sale (02marks)

(ii) Receipt book (02marks)

(iii) Payment voucher (02marks)

b) Brazaliriki Traders Limited a flourishing business with capacity to replace its stock five times a year had the following information as at 31st Dec 2014
Particulars Shillings Capital 9,000,000

Premises 5,000,000

Equipment 2,000,000

Credit 400,000

stock at 31st Dec 2014 1, 200,000

Stock at 1st Jan 2014 1,800,000

Accrued rent 150,000

Cash at Bank 1,800,000

Debtors 600,000

Debentures 3,500,000
Calculate ;

  1. Liquid capital (03marks)
  2. Circulating capital (03marks)
  3. Capital employed (04marks)
  4. Cost of sales (04marks)
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