
Computer Terms

Five computing terms are described below.
Write the name of the term being described.
Software that anyone can download for free from the Internet
and then use without having to pay any fees. The usual
copyright laws apply and a user license is important.
Software that gives the user the chance to try it out free of
charge before actually buying it. The software is subject to the
usual copyright laws. As a rule, not all the features found in the
full version are available at this stage.
Software where users have freedom to run, copy, change and
adapt it. This is an issue of liberty and not of price since the
software guarantees freedom and the right to study and modify
the software by having access to the actual source code.
Set of principles that regulates the use of computers in
everyday life. This covers intellectual property rights, privacy
issues and the effects of computers on society in general.
The taking of somebody’s idea or software and claim that the
idea or software code were created by the “taker”.



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