Question Set 1
Re-write each item in 1.1 to 1.10 according to the instructions. Do not change
the meaning of the original sentence

1.1 Mama Joan arrived at home at six o’clock. (rewrite using ‘reached’)
1.2 The English teacher lent me a book entitled ‘Milking a Lioness’ (rewrite using
1.3 Because Olara did not participate,his team lost miserably. (begin: Had…)
1.4 I am too tired to continue climbing. (rewrite using ‘so’)
1.5 “My sister will be visiting us next week,” Sheila said (rewrite in indirect
1.6 The senior lady allowed her to go to the box room during the lesson. (rewrite
using ‘let’)
1.7 She prepared the food. She served it out to the visitors. (join the two using ‘not
1.8 Namyalo opened the doors of her shop and at once a crowd of eager buyers
burst in. (begin: Scarcely…)
1.9 Can people live near large rivers and lack fish to eat? This is amazing. (rewrite
as one sentence beginning: That….)
1.10 The school was too small to host the annual athletics competition. (use the
negative, ‘wasn’t’)

Question Set 2
Complete the sentences 1.11 to 1.20 with the most suitable answer among the
given alternatives. Put a ring around your choice

1.11 The firm is expanding and has decided to step……its production for export
A. up

B. down

C. by

D. at

1.12 He said he would rather be an office boy………a messenger with better pay
A. better than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. than

1.13 As I looked down at the little girl on her death-bed, I found it impossible to
control my……….
A. morale




1.14 Never………… so hilariously
A. they laughed

B. they would laugh
C. they have laughed

D. had they laughed

1.15 The teacher doesn’t have to teach us. This means the teacher………..
A. does not teach us

B. is unwilling to teach us
C. should not teach us

D. is free not to teach us

1.16 Clare is the…of the two girls
A. most beautiful

B. more beautiful
C. very beautiful

D. beautifullest

1.17 If they ever…………….breathe a word of protest,they are heavily punished
A. so much much

C. so much as

D. so little

1.18 When she had finished, there wasn’t a …………of dust left on the furniture
A. shred

B. fragment



1.19 As you are my bosom friend, I must confide…………you
A. in

B. with

C. on

D. to
1.20 If ………….,it will be by midday.

A. he came

B. at all he comes

C. he comes at all

D. he will come



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