1a) List six advantages of personal selling as a form of sales promotion. (06marks)
b) Describe the steps that should be followed by an entrepreneur for effective personal selling. (14marks)

  1. a) What is meant by the term “management tasks” as applied in business. (02marks)
    b) Explain any nine management functions in a business. (18marks)

  2. a) What are business ethics? (02marks)
    b) Advise entrepreneurs in your community on any;
    (i) four business ethics that they should observe towards government. (08marks)
    (ii) five benefits of practicing business ethics towards all stakeholders. (10marks)

  3. a) Differentiate between the following:
    (i) Bank statement and Bank draft. (02marks)
    (ii) Credit transfer and standing order. (02marks)
    b) Explain the major functions of the central bank. (16marks)

  4. a) Distinguish between marketing and selling. (02marks)
    b) Explain seven common methods of pricing products. (14marks)
    c) List four marketing activities carried out by entrepreneurs. (04marks)

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