
Geography Revision Questions High school

1 a) Explain the following extrusive features.
i) Caldera
ii) Isenberg’s,
iii) Lava plateau,
iv) Volcanic mountains,
b) Draw a map of East Africa and mark,
i) Two volcanic mountains.
ii) Describe 6 benefits of volcanic mountains.
2 a) Distinguish between a coast and a coastlines.
b) Name the coastal features below.

c) What is a coral reef?
d) Explain 2 conditions of needed for the growth of coral reefs.
e) Illustrate both a barrier and fringing reef.
3. What is glaciation?
b) Write short notes on the following glacial features,
i) Cirques
ii) Moraine
iii) Arête’s
iv) Pyramidal peaks
c) Explain the 4 importance’s of glaciation.
4. What is mass wasting?
b) Explain the factors that explain the nature and speed of mass
c) Explain the positive effects of mass wasting in East Africa.
5 Describe the term climate.
b) List down 4 characteristics of Tropical climate.
c) Use the table bellow of songeer in Kenya and draw a bar graph.

Calculate the annual means temperature.



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