
History Revision Questions A’Level

1.Examine the contributions of the colonial policy to the growth and
development of African nationalism.

2. To what extent did economic factors responsible for ethnic conflict in
Rwanda by 1959?

3. Assess the role of Kwame Nkrumah in the development of Pan Africanism.

4. How far did ECOWAS achieve the aims and objectives of its founder?

5. Discuss the factors responsible for the over throw of Ethiopian Monarchy in

6. Examine the events leading to the Black majority rule in South African
between 1989 and 1994.

7. Account for the collapse of the French West African Federation.

8. Why was the attempt to secede Katanga from Congo a total failure?

9. Examine the main features of Ujamma policy in Tanzania up to 1985.

10. “Economic war of 1972 in Uganda was inevitable.” Discuss.

11. Assess the contributions of PAIGC in the struggle against Portuguese rule
up to 1974.

12.Examine the Performance of N.R.M government in Uganda since 1986.

13.Analyze t the causes and effects of the unilateral declaration of independence
in Southern Rhodesia up 1980.

14.With any one new state of Africa discuss the methods adopted in the
preservation of African culture.

15.Assess the achievements of the military government in Libya between 1969
and 2011.



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