Hello, you are reading this because you want to improve on your grades in the next progressive examinations. You might be a guardian who has been struggling in and out to improve your child’s grades. Whoever you might be won’t change what is written below. Facts remain facts, your grades will be improved by following these guidelines.

  1. Ensure you have the right syllabus you are reading from for the exam you are to attempt.
  2. Ensure you get enough time to revise what is contained in the syllabus without skipping anything.
  3. Take some rest.
  4. Get some time and think about what you revised.
  5. Get a paper and take some key definitions from your revised topic.
  6. Get a notebook and make some summary of the topics from the syllabus .
  7. When you feel comfortable with your revision, Look out for some past questions for the same subject.
  8. Test yourself by write and fill the questions from past papers with your appropriate answers.
  9. Check out in your summaries to mark yourself the right and cross the wrong answers.
  10. Get a solution book to confirm whether your answers match the examiners expectations.
  11. Correct your grammar and ensure you learn from the wrong answers you wrote.
  12. Return to option 1 and come back to option 11.
  13. I assure you that your grades will improve tremendously without fail in whatever subject you want to improve on your grades.

With those steps above you will surely improve on your grades in any subject of your interest.



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