1.Examine the political, social and economic organization of the Itesot before
the coming of Europeans.

2. Assess the impact of Pre-colonial trade in East Africa up to 1870.

3. To what extent can the 19th century be described as a period of crisis and revolutions?

4. “The British occupation of Egypt was primarily responsible for the Partition
and Scrambled for Africa.” Discuss.

5. Assess the impact of mineral discovery on the whites and Africans in South

6. Why did the Ethiopians that suffered defeat of Napier expedition were able to challenge Italians at Adowa in 1896.

7. Assess the achievement of Mohammed Ali of Egypt.

8. Account for the French withdrawal during the conflict over Fashoda in 1896.

9. Compare the French system of rule with that of the British in West Africa.

10.Analyze the impact of the missionary activity in Nyasaland.

11. Assess the role of the chartered companies in the colonization of Africa.

12.Examine the causes and effects of the Shona – Ndebele war of 1893.

13.To what extent was Buganda Agreement an agreement?

14.Account for the Jihads movement in West Africa during the 19th century.

15.How far did the Liberians live to their Motto “the love for Liberty brought
us here”?



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