1.Define the following terms:
(a) Climate
(b) Weather
(c) Meteorology
2. Which weather instrument is used to measure each of the following factors;
(i) Rainfall ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) Temperature ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) Air pressure …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Write short notes about the following;
(i) Isonephs
(ii) Isotherms
(iii) Contours
4. Write down the main six climatic zones of Africa
5. Which type of rainfall is mainly received in equatorial regions?
6. Describe Mediterranean climate
7. What are sand
8. Outline any four physical factors influencing the climate of Africa?
9. Why do Mediterranean regions of Africa get rainfall during winter?
10. What are ocean currents?
11. Give three characteristics of equatorial climate.
12. How does each of the following affect climate;
(i) Altitude
(ii) Latitude
(iii) Ocean currents
13. What causes prevailing winds?
14. Name the warm ocean current that washes the coast of West Africa?
15. How does climate affect human activities?
16. Name two major deserts of Africa?
17. Which two human activities are practiced in temperate regions of Africa?
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
18. Describe the climate which is mainly experienced in each of the following regions;
(i) North Africa
(ii) Central Africa
(iii) East Africa
19. Place X gets an annual rainfall of 1000mm, which type of climate is it likely to have?
20. Give two climatic problems facing people in Sahara desert?
21. In which one way does climate determine people’s way of dressing?
22. How can crop growing be made possible in north eastern Uganda?
23. Give two problems caused by drought in Africa?
24. State two causes of climate change in most parts of Africa?

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