
Science Revision Questions Primary Seven

Every person with a smartphone and a pair of headphones has access to the kind of education that was once reserved for the sons of aristocracy. The Stoic Emperor

Why does a bedbug produce a very bad smell when it is touched?
2. Give any one way in which flowers are important to a plant.
3. Which deficiency disease in children has these sign and symptoms:
Retarded growth, lack of appetite and paralysis?
4. Write one common characteristic which is in all insects?
5. Why does sugar disappear when it is mixed in water?
6. Which property of air is demonstrated when air is pumped into a ball and it
becomes bigger?
7. How is the absence of iodine harmful to our health?
8. What is the importance of platelets in the body?
9. Give one reason why a farmer should keep records of daily weather?
10. Why is proper disposal of refuse important in a home?
11. Which of the following animals: fish, frog, lizard, rat and a snail is warm

When water is heated it changes into water vapour. What is this process
12. Name any one cereal which is used as food.
13. Why is it possible to control the spread of cattle disease in a paddock
14. Give any one reason why we should bathe with soap.
15. Write down any one main part of a flowering plant.
16. Give one reason why a farmer should practice plant training in a tomato
17. Vultures, kites and crows were found feeding on a dead cow. What group
of birds are these?
18. Give any one special characteristic of the air we breathe out?
19. What is the function of human skull in the human body?
20. Explain what ante-natal care is.
21. Apart from roughages, bacteria and water, give any one component of the human feacal matter.
What is the source of energy in thermal electricity?
22. In terms of machine, how is the hammer similar to the human arm?
23. What should be done to a clinical thermometer before taking the
temperature of a person?
24. How does a vent help to reduce smell in a VIP latrine?
25. What is one possible danger of buying drugs from local shops or markets?
26. Why is budgeting in a family useful?
27. Which body system is commonly affected by polio?
28. State the first stage of soil formation from rocks.
29. Apart from contour ploughing, strip cropping and mulching, give one other
practice which is useful for soil conservation on a hilly ground.
30. What happens to the blood as it passes through the kidney?
31 (a) Which bone joins the pelvis and tibia?
(b) Explain briefly the following:
i. Voluntary muscles
ii. Involuntary muscles
(c) Give one use of muscles in the body.
32. (a) Name the bacteria that causes dysentery.
(b) How can one control dysentery without the use of drugs?
(c) Give any two signs of dysentery in people.
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
33. (a) After it has rained, earthworms come out of their holes. Why do they
come out?
(b) Give two reasons why an earthworm is very important to a farmer.
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

34(a) Name the type of force which reduces the efficiency of a machine.
(b) State two advantages of the force named in question 45 (a) above.
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) How can you reduce the force you named in question 45 (a) above?
35. (a) How can you tell by looking at the roots, that a plant is a legume?
(b) Give any two examples of crops which are legumes.
i. ……………………………………………. ii. …………………………………………..…
(c) How do legumes increase the fertility of the soil?
36. (a) In which part of the plant does photosynthesis mainly take place?
(b) Name two raw materials which enable photosynthesis to take place?
i. ……………………………………………. ii. …………………………………………..…

Use the list of food stuffs given below and answer the following
37 (a) Give two food stuffs that are a source of proteins.
i. ………………………………………..…. ii. ………………………………………………
(b) How are cabbages useful in one’s diet?

(c) Why would you regard a list of the foods given above a balanced diet?
38. (a) What is a mixture of two or more metals?
(b) Give one example of a common mixture of metals.
(c) How does heat move from one point to another in a metal?
(d) Apart from painting, give any other method of preventing a metallic
object from rusting.
39. (a) What are pollutants?
(b) Write any two sanitary diseases that can be prevented by proper use of
the latrine and toilets.
i. …………………………………..…………. ii. ………………………………..…………
(c) Why are the wetlands described as the kidney of the earth?
40. State the role of the following in a food chain:
(a) Green plants
(b) A goat
(c) A pig
(d) Bacteria
41 (a) What is an electro-magnet?
(b) Suggest any two ways of making an electro-magnet stronger.
i. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(c) How is a generator different from an electric motor?
42. State any four functions of blood in human body.
i. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



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