1.Name the type of rainfall received in the plain areas of Uganda.
2. State one advantage of a music festival in a community.
3. Name the most common type of transport used in Uganda.
4. Who were the first group of foreigners to come to Uganda?
5. Name any one type of grassland that covers a large portion of Africa.
6. Why should children greet visitors at home?
7. How did the people of Kenya struggle to get independence?
8. How can a market help people to meet their needs?
9. Why is Arusha an important town to the East African countries?
10. Give any one reason why the United Nations Organisation sends peace
keeping missions to war torn areas
12.Give the type of weather suitable for maize harvesting period.
13. State any one resource we get from water bodies.
14. Give any one reason why places that have many economic activities
attract a high population.
15. Why are warm ocean currents important to the areas along the coast of
16. How did the early explorers promote the work of European traders in
17. How does a good road network promote development in an area?
18. State the importance of Kainji Dam to people of Nigeria.
19. Why is a sign post important?
State the major crop grown in the High Velds of South Africa.
20. Mention one type of tax directly paid by civil servants in Uganda today.
21. Give any one factor that brings about differences in the vegetation
distribution in mountainous regions.
22. Apart from controlling soil erosion, give any one other reason why a
school compound should have vegetation cover.
23. Why is pastoralism not highly developed among the nomadic
communities in Africa?

Social Sturdies Revision Questions for p5,p6,p7