1.(a) What factors led to the decline of Trans-Saharan trade?
(b) What impact did the decline of the trade have on the peoples of Western Sudan?
2. (a) Describe origins of Mali.
(b) What contribution did Mansa – Musa make for Mali Empire?
3. (a) Describe the origins of Wollof Empire.
(b) How was the Empire organized before European Advent?
4. (a) How was Ashanti organized before the 2nd half of the 19th Century?
(b) Describe the contributions of Oseitutu for Ashanti State.
5. (a) Describe the origin of Slave trade in West Africa.
(b) How did this trade affect the local people?
6. (a) How was Sierra – Leone established?
(b) What problems did the founders face?
7. (a) Describe the Jihad in the Hausa states.
(b) What impact did the Jihad have on the people of Western Sudan?
8. Describe the missionary activities of the following in West Africa;
(a) Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther
(b) Bishop Joseph Shanahan.
9. (a) Describe the social, economic development in Nigeria during colonial rule.
(b) How did such development affect the Africans?
10. (a) Compare the British system of administration and that of the French in West Africa.
(b) What led to the change in French policy from assimilation to the system association?
11. (a) Describe the resistance of Samoure Toure of the Mandinka state against the French.
(b) What factors led to his final defeat?
12. What were the contributions of the following in the independence struggle in West Africa?
(a) NCNC
(b) PAIGC and
(c) CPP



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