
Words with same pronunciation but different spelling

These words may sound the same when spoken, but they have different meanings and spellings. It's important to use the correct spelling in written communication to convey the intended meaning accurately

Certainly! Here are some examples of words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings:

  1. “Two” and “too”
  2. “Their,” “there,” and “they’re”
  3. “Flower” and “flour”
  4. “Night” and “knight”
  5. “Write” and “right”
  6. “Meat” and “meet”
  7. “Fare” and “fair”
  8. “Pole” and “poll”
  9. “Son” and “sun”
  10. “Bear” and “bare”
  11. “Allowed” and “aloud”
  12. “Brake” and “break”
  13. “Sea” and “see”
  14. “Principle” and “principal”
  15. “Cite” and “site”
  16. “Bass” (the fish) and “bass” (the musical instrument)
  17. “Flare” and “flare”
  18. “Hour” and “our”
  19. “Peel” and “peal”
  20. “Complement” and “compliment”

These words may sound the same when spoken, but they have different meanings and spellings. It’s important to use the correct spelling in written communication to convey the intended meaning accurately



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